Updated Boggle Dictionary

The Boggle Dictionary  continues to be a popular tool for among “Bogglers”.  I got a lot of feedback that the dictionary didn’t have valid words (such as “community”, or “perdition”) and this was due to the previously used dictionary, which only included shorter word bases. 

The good news is that I just updated the tool to use the Collins Scrabble Word List, which is much more extensive and modern.  So beware; many of the words that previously were not valid, may actually be valid now.  If this makes you nervous, the old dictionary can still be found at http://insightcoder.com/sw/boggle-dictionary-owl/

Interested to hear how this changes your game!


2 thoughts on “Updated Boggle Dictionary

  1. Thanks fir the biggle dictionary. You didn’t have to go through the trouble, but you did anyways, and left it free and available for everyone. It has enhanced my boggle game . And the definitions are simple , and easy to read and to the point. It is now on my screen and only a click away. My friend and I used to look in the dictionary, then we too had annoying differences in online dictionaries that we had to constantly re download and had to make sure we had the exact same dictionary ( out of thousands) This has made our boggle game seamless Thanks for going out of your way for us bogglers!

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